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Please pray! A year and a month ago, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed H.B. 454, the Live Dismemberment Abortion Law, which would have banned the horrific practice of tearing apart a living, unborn child. But Judge Joseph H. McKinley for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky in Louisville issued an injunction shortly afterward. In November, Judge McKinley heard arguments, and this month he predictably issued his decision to strike down this important protection for unborn children. Please pray for a change of heart for Judge McKinley in weighing future decisions.

In the meantime, Gov. Bevin has pledged to vigorously appeal Judge McKinley’s decision. Please pray for protections for the right to life during the appeals process. Remember, last month we reported a three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a judge from this same district court on another pro-life measure. The panel found Kentucky’s “Ultrasound Informed Consent Act” constitutional (under NIFLA v. Becerra), despite the earlier decision from U.S. District Judge David Hale for the Western District. Today, medical professionals must show a woman an ultrasound and let her hear her baby’s heartbeat before performing an abortion to destroy her child.

Alabama is defending its own legislation barring live dismemberment. May the Lord see fit for higher courts to uphold the protection of these and many other pro-life measures winding their way through the appeals process—perhaps even toward the U.S. Supreme Court.

Also in Kentucky: last September, U.S. District Judge Greg Stivers voided Kentucky’s laws protecting women by requiring that abortionists have admitting privileges at hospitals. As Kentucky appeals the decision, numerous attorneys general from other states have filed briefs in the Sixth District on both sides of the case. Please share this story and pray for the courts to uphold our basic right to life.