Protect Your Church with Our Legal Health Check-Up Series Learn More


This Easter, as you prepare to celebrate the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Jesus, Christians everywhere are reminded of His great grace upon us all. Together, we trust in God’s great power to accomplish our shared goals, especially defending your right to live out the Gospel in all areas of your life.

Without the ability to witness to the Truth proclaimed by Jesus, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25), Americans would no longer be considered a free people. 

Increasingly, our freedoms of religious exercise and expression are under threat. Judges, legislators, and administrators at all levels of government are actively engaging in unconstitutional coercion. Their schemes to replace the rights endowed by our Creator with “rights” seemingly entitled to by “feelings” must not succeed. 

In this month’s set of prayer requests, one NCLL case involves both a direct attack on the rights of an individual pastor and, by extension, his church’s attendees. This bivocational pastor also works as a health care provider. 

His government employer has threatened to force him to change roles or resign. The stated goal: to prevent him from supervising anyone who may attend one or more of the church services he leads. His employer’s religion-based discrimination clearly violates established Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) protections. 

Countless pastors and church leaders have similarly come to rely on the NCLL’s support in facing unexpected challenges—and as much as possible, to prevent crises before they occur. As a ministry, we understand the unique (and often overwhelming) situations faithful servant leaders must navigate—and how to come alongside them as part of the Body of Christ. 

As one pastor shared, “Thank you for your prompt response. This is an issue we have not dealt with before, and we were not sure how to respond to such a request. Your information is very helpful, and I thank you again.”

Thank you for your care and fellowship with the National Center for Life and Liberty. The prayers and financial gifts of ministry friends like you help make the NCLL team and resources available when churches face legal and regulatory complications. 

All of us are grateful for your standing in the gap through prayer and thanksgiving. And as you reflect on the concerns of these specific churches and their leadership around the country, please also pray for cases that are just coming to the fore. 

While the opponents of freedom continue assaulting our rights of faith and life, together we have the comfort and confidence of knowing the tomb is empty and He is risen indeed. 

Maximum Ministry. Minimum Liability. 


  • Pray for a bivocational pastor in North Carolina who was told by his employer that it would be a “conflict of interest” for him to supervise staff who have ever attended his church. 

    The NCLL is assisting him to correct this religious discrimination since an employer may not consider outside religious affiliations in determining work duties.

  • Pray for a church in the Midwest whose building was destroyed by a fire. NCLL attorneys are in negotiations with multiple insurance companies and assisting church leaders with their claim as they seek to recover funds and rebuild.

  • Pray for a church in the Southeast that suffered significant financial losses after it was forced by a city official to move its school out of the church building. 

    Our legal team has brought a lawsuit against the official to reverse this unlawful action. The NCLL legal team is honored to assist churches who are the victims ofoverreaching government authority.

  • Pray for a church in the Southwest involved in a dispute with a general contractor who failed to pay subcontractors. 

    The NCLL legal team is working in the courts to resolve this situation. NCLL routinely guides churches through major events, such as church building projects, and helps address any legal situations that arise. 

Thank you again for your prayerful partnership in defending life and liberty!