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This past month has been busy as we’ve had several major cases proceed forward. In the day that we live, churches are under greater and greater attack. We’re thankful for your partnership as we fight to keep churches focused on sharing the Gospel in their communities.

As our opponents try to silence Christians by attacking our faith in the workplace, classroom, online, and in the marketplace, we must stand up for the name of Jesus and our constitutional right to proclaim Truth freely.

Please, let me share two recent, major developments in court cases the NCLL is advancing on behalf of your liberties:

    1. We had our FIRST court appearance in opposition to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and before Federal District Judge Myron Thompson in Alabama. Judge Thompson conducted a rigorous hearing, asking direct, insightful questions of all parties.

      As we fight against religious discrimination and defamation of D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJK Ministries), YOUR rights as a Christian are being championed. This federal hearing helped establish the necessary legal path for trial or appeal. Our access, as Christians, to goods and services through the internet is at stake.

      Dr. Frank Wright from D. James Kennedy Ministries reported that “the judge’s questioning was direct and no nonsense to all parties. The judge seemed to leave the door open to 2 of our 3 primary claims. In terms of the defendant’s arguments, the judge was clearly not buying all of them. He was particularly hard on Amazon’s claim that they are not subject to the anti-discrimination provisions of Title II of the Civil Rights Act. He also seemed skeptical of Amazon’s claim that their action did not involve our religious protections under Title II. However, none of this is any clear indication of how (or when) the judge may rule, but if it was the judge’s clear intention to dismiss, he could have simply ratified the magistrate’s ruling to dismiss. Since he did not, the door remains slightly open.”

      We would ask for your continued prayers for God to work in the judge’s heart as the case goes forward in the next couple of weeks. We look at the hearing this month as a success, while we wait with anticipation for the judge’s ruling. Thank you for your continued prayers for the case, our legal team, and the defense of religious liberty in this country.

    2. Also last month, I shared with you how Captain Kevin Fiedor, a 28-year-veteran law enforcement officer, was blatantly discriminated against and in fact punished for not renouncing his Christian beliefs. Capt. Fiedor served in the Florida Bureau of Fire and Arson Investigations, with excellent performance reviews, before being unlawfully investigated, disciplined, and demoted expressly for his Christian faith and moral convictions. He remains illegally muzzled from speaking about his faith. 

      We filed suit to bring these injustices to light and to bring about justice from the state given Capt. Fiedor’s rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and state law. His persecutors recently filed motions to dismiss the suit.

      As you pray for restoration for Captain Fiedor, please remember his family and ask for strong affirmation for the rights of Christians to live out our faith in all our daily roles.

Maximum Ministry. Minimum Liability.


  • UPDATE: Praise that the secular employer of a bi-vocational pastor in NC backed down after saying it would be a “conflict of interest” for him to supervise staff who have ever attended his church. Our legal team prepared a letter and supporting documents for his employer explaining outside religious affiliations may not be considered in determining work duties, and we were able to resolve the issue without the need for a lawsuit. The NCLL is honored to stand with individuals who are targets of religious discrimination in the workplace.

  • Praise that a church in Wisconsin obtained permission to post a church sign after having been turned down twice previously. The NCLL worked with the church and the local zoning and planning boards to ensure it was given the same treatment as secular businesses.

  • Pray for a ministry in the Southeast who had an employee “come out” as homosexual in violation of the ministry’s moral and biblical policies. The NCLL helped guide the ministry as they terminated the worker and minimize the risk of a discrimination lawsuit. The NCLL is always happy to help churches and ministries respond to delicate situations, and we encourage our partners to take advantage of the policy documents we can provide so they can be prepared before a challenging situation such as this arises.

  • Pray for a church ministry in the South after one of its daycare workers was arrested, which drew local media attention and flooded the ministry with questions. The NCLL legal team was able to step in and offer guidance in responding to the media’s inquiries, which reflected the ministry’s sincere dedication to protecting its children. The NCLL is honored to serve churches in crisis situations and is able to provide experienced counsel and official media statements.

  • And please continue to pray for the case before Judge Thompson against the SPLC and Amazon, as well as our case on behalf of Capt. Fiedor.

We stand ready as a strong partner to guide churches through major events and help address any legal situations that arise.

Thank you again for your prayerful partnership in defending life and liberty!

April 2018 Ministry Update