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The vote for H.R. 5, The Equality Act, is scheduled for THIS FRIDAY in the U.S. House of Representatives. All sides are weighing in. Please make your voice heard via email, phone, social media, and/or peaceful visit to your local congressional office to speak God’s truth.

Key points:

1) The Gospel of Grace: We love God and people because He first loved us. We value mercy and justice. In God’s perfect plan, Jesus fulfilled both on the cross so that all who accept Him as Savior and follow Him as Lord may live in His grace and enjoy Him forever.

2) H.R. 5 assassinates the civil rights of minors and adults, females and males. It assaults fairness and justice at their roots. It is foundationally unconstitutional.

3) H.R. 5 strips, then violates, the privacy, safety, conscience, and dignity of every  woman and girl, man and boy in America in every restroom, locker room, and dressing room.

4) H.R. 5 is hateful and actually harms the people it claims to help. It attempts to shred every free speech and religious protection of conscience regarding sex, marriage, biology, psychology, healthcare, and gender.

5) H.R. 5 codifies provable untruths. It usurps parental and individual rights with its deeply flawed doctrine that runs counter to today’s best scientific, medical, and historical evidence.

6) H.R. 5 destroys women’s and girls’ sports and every other gender-specific organization or facility—including nonprofits involved in foster care, adoption, and women’s shelters.

Please continue to pray, share, and make your voice known. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).